Here is an overview of the CPS SaveNow Central Air Conditioning program through July 31, 2022 for San Antonio CPS Energy customers.
To qualify for the program your home’s minimum seasonal energy efficiency rating ratio must be 15 SEER, 12.0 EER, or 8.5 HSPF. New system tonnage will be verified using the HVAC conversion chart. In addition the rebates do not pertain to new construction projects and are for retrofit and home improvement projects only. To qualify, your HVAC systems equipment can only be installed by a licensed Texas contractor and the systems Model and Serial Numbers need to be included on the invoice as well.
Please call us for details at (210) 308-9866
Mr. Wilson Heating & Air Conditioning is a REGISTERED CPS Energy contractor. We help with the rebate paperwork!
*Mr. Wilson Heating & Air Conditioning is not responsible for CPS Energy SAVENOW program changes or cancellations. Please call or visit CPS Energy Rebates website for current information. Information on this page is for reference only. Please call us for the most up-to-date program information.